- Artificial Intelligence for Business: Creating Value with Machine Learning.
Leverage new technologies to create value for your organization.
Data Science: Machine Learning.
Build multiple projects and learn the science behind the most popular and successful data science techniques.
Data Science: Machine Learning | Harvard University -
Computer Science for Business Professionals - Computer Science CS50.
3.商业专业人员计算机科学 - 计算机科学 CS50。
An introductory course on computer science for business professionals.
CS50's Computer Science for Business Professionals | Harvard University -
Introduction to Data Science with Python.
4.Python 数据科学入门。
Take this online course from Harvard faculty member Pavlos Protopapas to teach you how to use Python for data collection and analysis.
学习哈佛大学教师 Pavlos Protopapas 的在线课程,了解如何使用 Python 进行数据收集和分析。
Introduction to Data Science with Python | Harvard University -
Computer Science Introductory Course - Understanding Technology.
This is an introduction to CS50 technology for students who don’t (still don’t) consider themselves computer people.
这是为那些不认为(仍然不认为)自己是计算机人才的学生开设的 CS50 技术入门课程。
CS50's Understanding Technology | Harvard University -
Introduction to Computer Science with Scratch - Computer Science CS50.
6.使用 Scratch 的计算机科学入门 - 计算机科学 CS50。
A basic introduction to programming, preparing you for more advanced courses.