(\ _ /)
( ・-・)
/っ 与其用个例猜大模型联网搜索牛不牛逼,不如直接看看它们怎么搜的。。
然后 Gemini 会在这个基础上进一步打开它看对眼的 URL:
(\ _ /)
( ・-・)
/っ 就,Gemini 搜索能力强不强,不看 Gemini,看 Google 。。和你的文字被理解成了什么 搜索关键字。。
最后是 Vertex AI の Gemini 的 Cloudflare Woker 虽然我觉得应该用不上 (改客户端太麻烦了,改 Worker 好了)。
Cloudflare Worker 源码
const PROJECT_ID = '(这里填你自己的)';
const CLIENT_ID = '(这里填你自己的)';
const CLIENT_SECRET = '(这里填你自己的)';
const REFRESH_TOKEN = '(这里填你自己的)';
// ↑ 上述部分从 https://linux.do/t/topic/118702 这个喂饭教程里拿。
// ↓ 这个是客户端(如 NextChat)访问接口的 Key,自定。
const API_KEY = 'sk-8848decameterBOOM'
const TOKEN_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token';
let accessToken = '';
let tokenExpiry = 0;
// 获取 access_token
async function getAccessToken() {
if (Date.now() / 1000 < tokenExpiry - 60) {
return accessToken;
const response = await fetch(TOKEN_URL, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
refresh_token: REFRESH_TOKEN,
grant_type: 'refresh_token'
const data = await response.json();
accessToken = data.access_token;
tokenExpiry = Date.now() / 1000 + data.expires_in;
return accessToken;
northamerica-northeast1 (蒙特利尔)
southamerica-east1 (圣保罗)
us-central1 (爱荷华)
us-east1 (南卡罗来纳)
us-east4 (北弗吉尼亚)
us-east5 (哥伦布)
us-south1 (达拉斯)
us-west1 (俄勒冈)
us-west4 (拉斯维加斯)
europe-central2 (华沙)
europe-north1 (芬兰)
europe-southwest1 (马德里)
europe-west1 (比利时)
europe-west2 (伦敦)
europe-west3 (法兰克福)
europe-west4 (荷兰)
europe-west6 (苏黎世)
europe-west8 (米兰)
europe-west9 (巴黎)
asia-east1 (台湾)
asia-east2 (香港)
asia-northeast1 (东京)
asia-northeast3 (首尔)
asia-south1 (孟买)
asia-southeast1 (新加坡)
australia-southeast1 (悉尼)
me-central1 (Doha)
me-central2 (达曼)
me-west1 (特拉维夫)
// 选择区域
function getLocation(model) {
if (/^gemini-.*exp/.test(model)) {
return 'us-central1';
} else {
const currentTimeInSeconds = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
const intervalInSeconds = 10;
const index = Math.floor((currentTimeInSeconds / intervalInSeconds) % AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS.length);
// 构建 API URL
function constructApiUrl(location, model, isStream) {
const _type = isStream ? 'streamGenerateContent' : 'generateContent';
return `https://${location}-aiplatform.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${location}/publishers/google/models/${model}:${_type}`;
// 处理请求
async function handleRequest(request) {
if (request.method === 'OPTIONS') {
return handleOptions();
// 检查API_KEY
const url = new URL(request.url);
const path = url.pathname;
const apiKey = url.searchParams.get('key');
const authHeader = request.headers.get('Authorization');
const expectedAuthHeader = `Bearer ${API_KEY}`;
let type = 'generateContent';
// 找到路径中的冒号后的内容
const colonIndex = path.lastIndexOf(':');
if (colonIndex === -1) {
// 如果找不到冒号,则默认为 streamGenerateContent (NextChat)
type = 'streamGenerateContent';
} else {
// 截取冒号后的内容
const typeString = path.substring(colonIndex + 1);
// 判断类型
if (typeString.includes('streamGenerateContent')) {
type = 'streamGenerateContent';
const isStream = type === 'streamGenerateContent';
if (apiKey && apiKey === API_KEY){
// ai-studio
} else if (authHeader && authHeader === expectedAuthHeader) {
// vertex-ai
} else {
const errorResponse = new Response(JSON.stringify({
type: "error",
error: {
type: "permission_error",
message: "Your API key does not have permission to use the specified resource."
}), {
status: 403,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
errorResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
errorResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE, HEAD');
errorResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key, anthropic-version, model');
return errorResponse;
const accessToken = await getAccessToken();
// 从 URL 中获取模型名称
let model = url.searchParams.get('model');
if (!model) {
model = 'gemini-1.5-pro'; // 默认模型
let requestBody = await request.json();
// 判断 URL 中是否包含 'search' 键
if (url.searchParams.has('search')) {
function findLastUserInput(contents) {
for (let i = contents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const content = contents[i];
if (content.role === 'user' && content.parts && content.parts.length > 0) {
return content.parts[0].text;
return null;
// 查找最后的用户输入
const lastUserInput = findLastUserInput(requestBody.contents);
// 根据特定格式匹配模型名称
if (lastUserInput) {
const modelMatch = lastUserInput.match(/^(\*?)([a-z0-9.-]+?)¦/);
if (modelMatch && lastUserInput.indexOf('¦') <= 50) {
model = 'gemini-' + modelMatch[2];
// 移除匹配到的模型名称部分
const lastContent = requestBody.contents[requestBody.contents.length - 1];
if (lastContent.role === 'user') {
if (modelMatch[1] === '*') {
// 如果有星号,则保留星号
lastContent.parts[0].text = '*' + lastContent.parts[0].text.substring(modelMatch[0].length).trim();
} else {
// 如果没有星号,则直接移除匹配部分
lastContent.parts[0].text = lastContent.parts[0].text.substring(modelMatch[0].length).trim();
// 如果找到最后的用户输入并且不是以星号开始,则添加 Google 搜索检索工具
if (lastUserInput && !lastUserInput.startsWith('*')) {
if (model.includes('exp')) {
requestBody.tools = [{
"google_search": {}
} else {
requestBody.tools = [{
"googleSearchRetrieval": {}
} else {
// 移除行首星号。懒得写例外了自己注意规则就好
const lastContent = requestBody.contents[requestBody.contents.length - 1];
if (lastContent.role === 'user') {
lastContent.parts[0].text = lastContent.parts[0].text.substring(1).trim();
// 修改 safetySettings
if (requestBody.safetySettings) {
requestBody.safetySettings = requestBody.safetySettings.filter(setting =>
setting.category !== "HARM_CATEGORY_CIVIC_INTEGRITY"
if (model.includes('exp')) {
requestBody.safetySettings.forEach(setting => {
setting.threshold = 'OFF';
threshold: "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH"
} else {
requestBody.safetySettings.forEach(setting => {
setting.threshold = 'BLOCK_NONE';
threshold: "BLOCK_NONE"
const location = getLocation(model);
let apiUrl = constructApiUrl(location, model, isStream);
// 检查是否存在 alt=sse 参数
const altParam = url.searchParams.get('alt');
if (altParam === 'sse') {
apiUrl += '?alt=sse';
const modifiedHeaders = new Headers(request.headers);
modifiedHeaders.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`);
modifiedHeaders.set('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
const modifiedRequest = new Request(apiUrl, {
headers: modifiedHeaders,
method: request.method,
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
redirect: 'follow'
const response = await fetch(modifiedRequest);
// 如果是 SSE 响应,我们需要特殊处理
if (altParam === 'sse') {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let buffer = '';
const stream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
if (done) break;
buffer += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
const lines = buffer.split('\n');
buffer = lines.pop();
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.startsWith('data: ')) {
const data = JSON.parse(line.slice(6));
if (data.candidates && data.candidates[0].finishReason === 'STOP') {
// 处理原始的最后一条消息
const lastMessage = {
candidates: [{
content: {
role: "model",
parts: [{ text: data.candidates[0].content.parts[0].text }]
modelVersion: data.modelVersion,
createTime: data.createTime,
responseId: data.responseId
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(`data: ${JSON.stringify(lastMessage)}\n\n`));
// 检查是否有引用来源
let hasReferences = false;
let additionalInfo = '## 引用来源\n';
if (data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata && data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata.searchEntryPoint && data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata.searchEntryPoint.renderedContent) {
const renderedContent = data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata.searchEntryPoint.renderedContent;
const matches = renderedContent.match(/<a class="chip" href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)<\/a>/g);
if (matches) {
hasReferences = true;
additionalInfo += '* 执行搜索查询 ✨ *renderedContent*\n';
for (const match of matches) {
const [_, url, text] = match.match(/<a class="chip" href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)<\/a>/);
additionalInfo += ` - [${text}](${url})\n`;
if (data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata && data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata.groundingChunks) {
hasReferences = true;
additionalInfo += '* 解析网页内容 🌋 *groundingChunks*\n';
let counter = 1;
for (const chunk of data.candidates[0].groundingMetadata.groundingChunks) {
if (chunk.web) {
additionalInfo += ` - [${chunk.web.title}](${chunk.web.uri}) ${getSuperscript(counter)}\n`;
// 只有在有引用来源时才发送额外信息
if (hasReferences) {
const additionalData = {
candidates: [{
content: {
role: "model",
parts: [{ text: additionalInfo }]
modelVersion: data.modelVersion,
createTime: data.createTime,
responseId: data.responseId
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(`data: ${JSON.stringify(additionalData)}\n`));
} else {
// 对于非STOP消息,保持原格式不变
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(`data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n`));
} else {
// 对于非data行,直接转发
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(line + '\n'));
return new Response(stream, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST, GET, OPTIONS',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key, anthropic-version, model'
const modifiedResponse = new Response(response.body, {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: response.headers
modifiedResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
modifiedResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS');
modifiedResponse.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key, anthropic-version, model');
return modifiedResponse;
function getSuperscript(num) {
const superscripts = ['¹', '²', '³', '⁴', '⁵', '⁶', '⁷', '⁸', '⁹'];
if (num <= 9) {
return superscripts[num - 1];
} else {
return num.toString().split('').map(digit => superscripts[parseInt(digit) - 1]).join('');
function handleOptions() {
const headers = new Headers();
headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS');
headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key, anthropic-version, model');
return new Response(null, {
status: 204,
headers: headers
export default {
async fetch(request) {
return handleRequest(request);