HK大带宽服务器 美国的IP地址 但是延迟很低 服务器物理地址问了就是香港 能上GPT吗?

网上找到一家卖香港的服务器 几十块钱 带宽给的很大 200-500Mbps
发现IP属地是 美国/
不知道这样能不能用GPT 想搭建代理用GPT官网
itdog一测延迟给我全绿 工单问了IDC说机器就在香港是广播IPV4地址
不知道这样能不能上GPT 但是香港的大带宽和这个价格 这个IP属地还有点吸引力诶


这家的机器 不知道靠不靠谱

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GPT对待大陆和香港是一样的 :joy:

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但是IP属地是美国啊 GPT能辨别吗

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bash <(curl -Ls


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这个得看 cloudflare 怎么看这个ip,它认为是香港就是香港

你这个 有点危险


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我只知道阿里云的anycast ip可以拿到美国ip绑香港服务器上,能用chatgpt,延时就是香港延时,就是贵贵


1. Overview

After purchasing a Hong Kong server, the customer found that the IP location shown on various database websites is not Hong Kong. This document explains the concepts of broadcast IP and domestic IP and provides corresponding solutions.

2. Broadcast IP and Domestic IP

2.1 Broadcast IP

Broadcast IP refers to an IP address assigned by an ISP (Internet Service Provider) in one country or region but can be broadcasted to another country or region using technical means. Typically, broadcast IPs can be routed globally via BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). Therefore, although the server is physically located in Hong Kong, its IP address may appear as another country or region.


  • More flexible IP address usage
  • Enables cross-country and cross-regional network deployment


  • Database queries may not accurately reflect the location
  • May cause issues with location-based services

2.2 Domestic IP

Domestic IP is assigned by a local ISP or local company, and its IP address is correctly displayed as the server’s actual location in geographic location databases. For customers who want their IP address to clearly show the correct location, domestic IP is more suitable.


  • Accurate geographic location in databases
  • Suitable for applications requiring precise location services


  • Less flexibility
  • May be restricted by local network policies

3. Solutions

3.1 Confirm IP Type

First, the customer needs to confirm whether the purchased server uses broadcast IP or domestic IP. If the customer wants the IP address to show as Hong Kong in geographic location databases, they need to add a domestic IP when purchasing the VPS. Each domestic IP will be charged differently depending on the region. It is recommended that the customer contact the server provider for specific domestic IP options and fees.

3.2 Update IPGEO Location Databases

If the IP address still does not show correctly after switching to a domestic IP, the customer can submit an update request to major geographic location databases (such as MaxMind, IP2Location, etc.). Typically, the following information is required:

  • IP address range
  • Actual geographic location of the server
  • Relevant proof documents (such as purchase contracts, server rental agreements, etc.)

4. Summary

Understanding the difference between broadcast IP and domestic IP helps customers make more informed decisions when purchasing servers. For applications that require precise geographic locations, it is recommended that customers choose domestic IP and contact the server provider or update the geographic location databases to ensure the IP location accuracy.

If there are any other questions, please feel free to contact the technical support team.

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