LOL to perplexity

The Perplexity AI Caper: Content Ninjas at Work
So, Perplexity AI just grabbed $165 million to challenge Google, but it seems they went full pirate! Wired and Forbes caught them swiping stories like digital ninjas. Perplexity’s CEO says, “We’re aggregating, not stealing!” Meanwhile, their AI is busy inventing fake news about bike-stealing cops. It’s AI’s wild west out here—Google’s AI suggests eating rocks and adding glue to pizza. AI’s got some growing pains, folks. Buckle up; it’s going to be a hilarious ride!

Perplexity AI刚刚获得了1.65亿美元挑战谷歌,但他们似乎变成了完全的海盗!《连线》和《福布斯》报道称,他们像数字忍者一样窃取故事。Perplexity的CEO表示:“我们是在聚合信息,而不是偷窃!”与此同时,他们的人工智能正在忙着编造关于偷自行车警察的假新闻。这里是人工智能的狂野西部——谷歌的人工智能建议吃石头,还建议在披萨上加胶水。人工智能在这里有些成长的烦恼,朋友们。系好安全带,这将是一个滑稽的旅程!

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Perplexity 人工智能公司刚刚获得了 1.65 亿美元的资金来挑战谷歌,但他们似乎完全成了海盗!连线》和《福布斯》发现他们像数字忍者一样盗取新闻。Perplexity的首席执行官说:"我们是聚合,不是偷窃!"与此同时,他们的人工智能正忙于编造关于偷自行车警察的假新闻。这里是人工智能的狂野西部–谷歌的人工智能建议吃石头和在披萨中添加胶水。人工智能也有成长的烦恼。系好安全带,这将是一次令人捧腹的旅程!

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Translation added for you mate.



Perplexity是不是最近动静太大触动了谁的利益 黑稿很多hhhhh

Maybe, it can be the reason. But I also feel the same way.

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2 个赞

perplexity的vpn检测太令人恶心了,app都无法正常使用 :tieba_006:

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