Rust 零基础,仅靠 GPT4 辅助能否完成全家桶激活码生成

Rust 零基础,仅靠 GPT4 辅助能否完成全家桶激活码生成(有 Python 基础)

  • 稳了!
  • 辣鸡 GPT!
0 投票人
3 个赞

GPT 生成的生成 license data 方法

struct LicenseProduct {
    code: String,
    fallbackDate: String,
    paidUpTo: String,
    extended: bool,

struct LicenseData {
    licenseId: String,
    licenseeName: String,
    assigneeName: String,
    assigneeEmail: String,
    licenseRestriction: String,
    checkConcurrentUse: bool,
    products: Vec<LicenseProduct>,
    metadata: String,
    hash: String,
    gracePeriodDays: u32,
    autoProlongated: bool,
    isAutoProlongated: bool,

// gen_license_data 函数实现
fn gen_license_data(
    ide: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
    plugins: Option<Vec<HashMap<String, String>>>,
    license_id: String,
    licensee_name: String,
    assignee_name: String,
    assignee_email: String,
) -> Result<String, String> {
    if ide.is_none() && plugins.is_none() {
        return Err("The ide and plugins parameters cannot both be null.".to_string());

    let products = read_products();
    let mut data_products = Vec::new();

    if let Some(ide_data) = ide {
        let ide_code = ide_data.get("code").unwrap();
        let ide_expired = ide_data.get("expired").unwrap();

        let matched_ide = products
            .find(|i| i.code == ide_code)
            .ok_or("There is no ide code that matches.")?;

        for plugin_code in matched_ide.plugin {
            let matched_plugin = products
                .find(|p| p.code == plugin_code)
                .ok_or("Plugin code not found in products.")?;

            data_products.push(LicenseProduct {
                code: matched_plugin.code.clone(),
                fallbackDate: ide_expired.clone(),
                paidUpTo: ide_expired.clone(),
                extended: true,

    // 添加 plugins 数据
    if let Some(plugin_list) = plugins {
        for plugin_data in plugin_list {
            let plugin_code = plugin_data.get("code").unwrap();
            let plugin_expired = plugin_data.get("expired").unwrap();

            let matched_plugin = products
                .find(|p| p.code == plugin_code)
                .ok_or("Plugin code not found in products.")?;

            data_products.push(LicenseProduct {
                code: matched_plugin.code.clone(),
                fallbackDate: plugin_expired.clone(),
                paidUpTo: plugin_expired.clone(),
                extended: ide.is_some(),

    // 确保 code 唯一
    data_products.dedup_by(|a, b| a.code == b.code);

    // 构建并返回最终的 json 字符串
    let license_data = LicenseData {
        licenseId: license_id,
        licenseeName: licensee_name,
        assigneeName: assignee_name,
        assigneeEmail: assignee_email,
        licenseRestriction: "".to_string(),
        checkConcurrentUse: false,
        products: data_products,
        metadata: "0120220902PSAN000005".to_string(),
        hash: "TRIAL:1234567890".to_string(),
        gracePeriodDays: 7,
        autoProlongated: false,
        isAutoProlongated: false,

    Ok(serde_json::to_string(&license_data).expect("Failed to serialize license data"))
10 个赞

GPT 生成的 license 信息提取 方法

use std::str;
use base64::{decode};

fn extract_jetbra_key(k: &str) {
    let k_list: Vec<&str> = k.split('-').collect();
    let license_id = k_list[0];
    let license_part_base64 = k_list[1];
    match decode(license_part_base64) {
        Ok(license_part_vec) => {
            match str::from_utf8(&license_part_vec) {
                Ok(license_part) => {
                    println!("{}", license_id);
                    println!("{}", license_part);
                Err(e) => println!("Invalid UTF-8 sequence: {}", e),
        Err(e) => println!("Base64 decoding error: {}", e),
10 个赞

变量命名不符合rust规范,java才用驼峰 :rofl:

1 个赞

仓库代码里已经使用#[serde(rename_all(serialize = "camelCase"))]将struct中snake转camel了

22 个赞


1 个赞

还在写,0基础用GPT写太累了,各种报错,等全部完成了再写 readme :sob:

22 个赞

你这要是star数上来了,回头申请jetbrains license,他给过嘛 :rofl:

2 个赞


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1 个赞

GPT 生成的生成私钥和证书方法

use openssl::asn1::Asn1Time;
use openssl::pkey::{PKey, Private};
use openssl::rsa::Rsa;
use openssl::x509::{X509Builder, X509NameBuilder, X509};
use std::fmt;

/// Generates an RSA certificate and private key.
/// # Arguments
/// * `datetime_start` - Tuple representing the start datetime.
/// * `datetime_end` - Tuple representing the end datetime.
/// * `public_exponent` - Public exponent for RSA.
/// * `key_size` - Key size for RSA.
/// * `subject_name` - Subject name for the certificate.
/// * `issuer_name` - Issuer name for the certificate.
/// # Returns
/// A Result containing a tuple of the private key and certificate in PEM format,
/// or an error message.
pub fn gen_certificate(
    datetime_start: (i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32),
    datetime_end: (i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32),
    public_exponent: u32,
    key_size: u32,
    subject_name: &str,
    issuer_name: &str,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>), Box<dyn fmt::Error>> {
    // Generate RSA private key
    let rsa = Rsa::generate_with_e(key_size, public_exponent)?;
    let private_key = PKey::from_rsa(rsa)?;

    // Get public key
    let public_key = PKey::from_rsa(private_key.rsa()?.to_owned())?;

    // Create X.509 builder
    let mut builder = X509Builder::new()?;
    let mut name = X509NameBuilder::new()?;
    name.append_entry_by_text("CN", subject_name)?;
    let subject_name =;
    let mut issuer = X509NameBuilder::new()?;
    issuer.append_entry_by_text("CN", issuer_name)?;
    let issuer_name =;


    // Sign the certificate
    builder.sign(&private_key, openssl::hash::MessageDigest::sha256())?;

    // Export to PEM
    let certificate =;
    let private_key_pem = private_key.private_key_to_pem_pkcs8()?;
    let certificate_pem = certificate.to_pem()?;

    Ok((private_key_pem, certificate_pem))

/// Converts a tuple to a tm structure.
/// # Arguments
/// * `datetime` - A tuple representing the datetime.
/// # Returns
/// A Result containing a tm structure, or an error message.
fn time_to_tm(datetime: (i32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32)) -> Result<time::Tm, Box<dyn fmt::Error>> {
    Ok(time::Tm {
        tm_year: datetime.0 - 1900, // tm_year is years since 1900
        tm_mon: datetime.1 as i32 - 1, // tm_mon is 0-based
        tm_mday: datetime.2 as i32,
        tm_hour: datetime.3 as i32,
        tm_min: datetime.4 as i32,
        tm_sec: datetime.5 as i32,
23 个赞


23 个赞

卡在了变量 borrowed 这里,不知道怎么办

23 个赞

新开个java的分支 我把那个扔进去 :crazy_face:


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那我把 Readme 链接到你的 git 上

23 个赞

那个我没公开 我直接给你提交pr吧