However, the application of emerging technologies in new disciplines often
encounters challenges due to subjective biases and other factors. For instance, there
may be an overemphasis on the application of certain software, leading to a failure
to correctly interpret bibliometric indicators in studies and to conduct objective and
comprehensive analyses of the research feld. Therefore, it is necessary to critically
evaluate and assess existing research on the application of bibliometric mapping technology in educational technology. By understanding the current state of research, we
can assess the methodological system’s level of maturity, the organizational structure
of the content, and the credibility of research conclusions in the feld. Considering the
limitations observed in prior studies involving the utilization of bibliometric mapping
techniques and the absence of comprehensive reviews concerning these applied methodologies in the feld of Educational Technology, this systematic review employs a
methodology akin to that of previous meta-reviews (referred to as reviews of reviews)
(i.e. Polanin et al., 2016; Tamim et al., 2011). Its primary objective is to function as a
meta-review of existing bibliometric studies. The intention is to uncover defciencies,
discrepancies, disagreements, and incongruities within bibliometric studies, pinpoint
fundamental elements that should be integrated into standard bibliometric investigations, and provide valuable insights to steer future development。这段来自已经发表的文章,
我去测试ai率,zerogpt和phrasely都是0%ai(这两个我怀疑是一个测试模式,每次都是一样的),stealthwriter是33%,quillbot是100%,哈哈哈哈,太好笑了!你以为quillbot最严吗?其实不好说,最起码我拿我的雅思作文去测试的时候,quillbot显示0%ai,结果stealthwriter显示50%ai…… 我看很多人在研究降低ai率,我觉得那些学校和期刊能不能自己内部整明白了?你们特么的到底要信哪家的ai检测结果???PS: 有大佬知道什么靠谱的降低ai方法吗?我怎么感觉降低ai的方法就是让文本变得更加小学生呢?好家伙,我多用高级词汇、多用复合句、多用首先其次什么的、写作时候句子结构比较统一……这些都是ai特征?我学习这么多年,不就是要学会这种写法吗?你特么跟我说这是ai特征???我降低ai,就得用低级词汇、减少从句、不用连词???我雅思那些东西都白学了呗?