GPT-4o web端进行总结的能力能提高吗


  • 初次分析
  • “请对以下情况进行情感分析,并给出详细解释:描述情境描述情境描述情境”
  • 修正阶段
  • “基于以下新信息,调整你的分析:补充信息补充信息补充信息。请说明你的分析中做出的具体改动,并解释为什么这些改动是必要的。”
  • 总结
  • “请基于之前的分析和修正,生成一个完整、清晰的总结,概述主要情感状态及其原因。请确保总结内容准确且逻辑连贯。”



能搞定女人心理的不是 AI,是骗术师。


  1. 直接、情绪化的表达 vs. 敏感、渴望理解的沟通方式
  2. 沟通方式的错位:室友习惯以逻辑和直截了当的方式解决问题,但女朋友可能希望的是耐心的倾听和情感上的理解。这种错位会导致两人长期沟通上的不顺畅。
  3. 两人都难以管理情绪
  4. ESTJ vs. INFP 抽象的思维方式的对立让我不知道他们怎么在一起的



  • 他在沟通中习惯直接、快速的表达和反应,但容易因为情绪管理不善而导致误解。在关系中表现出控制局面、急于澄清的欲望,但在情绪崩溃时却又缺乏足够的情感支持能力。


  • 她在情感上敏感、渴望理解和支持,但因为内向而常常无法直接表达自己的需求。这让她在面对室友的直接沟通方式时,容易感到压力和不安。



在twitter上找到了一个很好的总结的 structured prompt

[Action: {{input}}] [Noun: Analyze] [Modifier: Thoroughly] [Noun: Input_Text] [Goal: Generate_Essential_Questions] [Parameter: Number=5]

[Given: Essential_Questions]
[Action: {{input}}] [Noun: Formulate_Questions] [Modifier: To Capture] [Parameter: Themes=Core Meaning, Argument, Supporting_Ideas, Author_Purpose, Implications]
[Action: Address] [Noun: Central_Theme]
[Action: Identify] [Noun: Key_Supporting_Ideas]
[Action: Highlight] [Noun: Important_Facts or Evidence]
[Action: Reveal] [Noun: Author_Purpose or Perspective]
[Action: Explore] [Noun: Significant_Implications or Conclusions]

[Action: {{input}}] [Noun: Answer_Generated_Questions] [Modifier: Thoroughly] [Parameter: Detail=High]

To help you analyze a given text thoroughly and generate essential questions, let’s break down the process step-by-step. I’ll use a hypothetical text as an example to illustrate each step.

Step 1: Analyze the Input Text

Let’s assume the input text is about the impact of technology on education.

Step 2: Generate Essential Questions

Here are five essential questions based on the hypothetical text:

  1. What is the central theme of the text?
  2. What arguments does the author present regarding the impact of technology on education?
  3. What are the key supporting ideas that reinforce the author’s arguments?
  4. What is the author’s purpose or perspective in writing this text?
  5. What are the significant implications or conclusions drawn from the text?

Step 3: Formulate Questions to Capture Core Themes

Now, let’s formulate questions to capture the core meaning, argument, supporting ideas, author purpose, and implications:

  1. Core Meaning: What is the main message the author is trying to convey about technology’s role in education?
  2. Argument: How does the author argue that technology has transformed educational practices?
  3. Supporting Ideas: What examples or evidence does the author provide to support their claims about technology in education?
  4. Author Purpose: Why did the author choose to write about this topic? What perspective or bias might they have?
  5. Implications: What are the potential long-term effects of technology on education according to the author?

Step 4: Address the Central Theme

The central theme of the text is the transformative impact of technology on educational practices and outcomes.

Step 5: Identify Key Supporting Ideas

Key supporting ideas might include:

  • Increased accessibility to educational resources.
  • Enhanced engagement through interactive learning tools.
  • Improved collaboration among students and teachers via digital platforms.

Step 6: Highlight Important Facts or Evidence

Important facts or evidence could include:

  • Statistics on student performance improvements with technology use.
  • Case studies of schools successfully integrating technology into their curriculum.

Step 7: Reveal Author Purpose or Perspective

The author’s purpose might be to advocate for the integration of technology in education, highlighting its benefits and addressing potential challenges.

Step 8: Explore Significant Implications or Conclusions

Significant implications might include:

  • The need for teacher training in new technologies.
  • Potential disparities in access to technology among different student populations.

Step 9: Answer Generated Questions Thoroughly

Finally, let’s answer the generated questions in detail:

  1. Core Meaning: The main message is that technology has a profound and positive impact on education, making learning more accessible and engaging.
  2. Argument: The author argues that technology enhances educational practices by providing diverse learning tools and resources, fostering collaboration, and improving student outcomes.
  3. Supporting Ideas: The author supports their argument with examples of digital learning platforms, interactive tools, and statistical data showing improved student performance.
  4. Author Purpose: The author aims to highlight the benefits of technology in education, possibly advocating for its broader adoption while acknowledging challenges.
  5. Implications: The text suggests that while technology can greatly benefit education, it also requires careful implementation and consideration of equity issues to ensure all students have access to these tools.

I hope this helps! If you have a specific text you’d like to analyze, feel free to share it, and we can go through these steps together.