
问题:部署后发现在编辑页点击send后能够成功,但是 Cron 触发器定时下,请求一直错误,我在网上搜索了一下,未发现相关资料,而原大佬博客也关停了,作为一个小白好奇那里出了问题,故求教各位佬
addEventListener(‘fetch’, (event) => {
event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request).catch((err) => {
return new Response(‘内部服务器错误’, { status: 500 });

// 用户填写信息部分
const cloudflareApiKey=“”;//你cf的API
const cloudflareEmail=“”;//你cf的登入邮箱
const cloudflareZoneId=“”;//你绑定在cf的域名ZoneId
const mainDomain=“”;//绑定的域名,比如123.com
const subdomain=“”;// 二级域名,比如“cfip
const githubTxtUrl=“”;//大佬布置的自动优选IP,除非自己有布置,不然不要改
const telegramBotToken = “”;//TGbot的token
const telegramChatId=“”;//你的TG号

// 创建一个包含国家简称与中文名称映射的对象
const countryCodeMap = {

async function handleRequest(request) {
// 获取 GitHub TXT 文件内容
const githubTxtResponse = await fetch(githubTxtUrl);
if (!githubTxtResponse.ok) {
throw new Error(无法获取 GitHub TXT 文件:${githubTxtResponse.status});
const githubTxtContent = await githubTxtResponse.text();
const ipList = githubTxtContent.trim().split(‘\n’).filter((ip) => ip.includes(‘.’));

// 如果没有有效的 IPv4 地址,停止运行并返回错误信息
if (ipList.length === 0) {
throw new Error(“GitHub TXT 文件中未找到有效的 IPv4 地址。”);

// Cloudflare API 请求头
const headers = {
‘X-Auth-Email’: cloudflareEmail,
‘X-Auth-Key’: cloudflareApiKey,
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,

// 初始化数组以存储 IP-国家映射
const ipCountryMap = {};

// 为每个 IP 地址获取国家信息
for (const ip of ipList) {
const ipInfoResponse = await fetch(https://ipinfo.io/${ip}/json);
if (!ipInfoResponse.ok) {
console.error(无法获取 IP 地址 ${ip} 的信息:${ipInfoResponse.status});
const ipInfo = await ipInfoResponse.json();

if (ipInfo && ipInfo.country) {
  ipCountryMap[ip] = ipInfo.country;


// 获取现有 DNS 记录
const existingRecordsResponse = await fetch(
{ headers: headers }
if (!existingRecordsResponse.ok) {
throw new Error(无法获取现有 DNS 记录:${existingRecordsResponse.status});
const existingRecords = await existingRecordsResponse.json();

// 如果指定的子域名存在,删除所有相关的记录
const resultRecords = existingRecords.result || ;
for (const record of resultRecords) {
const recordId = record.id;
if (recordId) {
const deleteResponse = await fetch(
{ method: ‘DELETE’, headers: headers }
if (!deleteResponse.ok) {
console.error(无法删除 DNS 记录 ${recordId}:${deleteResponse.status});

// 重新添加新的 DNS 记录
let mergedMessage = “DNS 更新完成!\nIP 地址和国家信息:\n”;

for (const ip of ipList) {
const createResponse = await fetch(
method: ‘POST’,
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify({
type: ‘A’,
name: ${subdomain}.${mainDomain},
content: ip,
const createResponseJson = await createResponse.json();

if (createResponseJson.success) {
  const newRecordName = createResponseJson.result.name;

  if (newRecordName) {
    // 获取国家中文名称
    const countryName = countryCodeMap[ipCountryMap[ip]] || '未知';

    // Append the record information to the merged message, including country information
    const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString();
    mergedMessage += `${ip} - ${countryName} (${ipCountryMap[ip] || '未知'}) - 成功导入到 ${newRecordName}(${timestamp})\n`;
  } else {
    console.error("错误:无法获取新的 DNS 记录名称。");
} else {
  console.error(`错误:无法创建新的 DNS 记录。错误信息:${createResponseJson.errors}`);


// Send the merged message to Telegram
await sendTelegramMessage(telegramBotToken, telegramChatId, mergedMessage);

return new Response(‘DNS 更新完成!’, { status: 200 });

async function sendTelegramMessage(botToken, chatId, message) {
const response = await fetch(https://api.telegram.org/bot${botToken}/sendMessage, {
method: ‘POST’,
headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ },
body: JSON.stringify({ chat_id: chatId, text: message, parse_mode: ‘Markdown’ }),

if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(无法发送 Telegram 消息:${response.status});

1 个赞


1 个赞


