Developers and Open Source authors now have many services offering free tiers, but finding them all takes time to make informed decisions.
This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings with free developer tiers.
这是一份软件(SaaS、PaaS、IaaS 等)及其他提供免费开发人员层级的产品清单。
The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It’s a grey line sometimes, so this is opinionated; please don’t feel offended if I don’t accept your contribution.
本列表的范围仅限于基础架构开发人员(系统管理员、DevOps 实践者等)可能会发现有用的东西。我们喜欢所有的免费服务,但最好能保持主题明确。有时这是一条灰色的线,所以这是有主见的;如果我不接受您的贡献,请不要感到被冒犯。
This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1100+ people. You can also help by sending Pull Requests to add more services or remove ones whose offerings have changed or been retired.
该列表来自 1100 多人的拉动请求、评论、想法和工作。您也可以通过发送 Pull Request 来添加更多服务,或删除那些服务内容已更改或已退役的服务。
NOTE: This list is only for as-a-Service offerings, not for self-hosted software. To be eligible, a service must offer a free tier, not just a free trial. The free tier must be for at least a year if it is time-bucketed. We also consider the free tier from a security perspective, so SSO is fine, but I will not accept services that restrict TLS to paid-only tiers.
注意:本列表仅针对服务型产品,不包括自托管软件。要符合资格,服务必须提供免费层级,而不仅仅是免费试用。如果有时间限制,免费层必须至少为期一年。我们还会从安全角度考虑免费层,因此 SSO 没问题,但我不会接受将 TLS 限制在付费层的服务。
Table of Contents | 目录 |
Major Cloud Providers’ Always-Free Limits | 主要云提供商的 "始终免费 "限制 |
Cloud management solutions | 云管理解决方案 |
Analytics, Events, and Statistics | 分析、活动和统计 |
APIs, Data and ML | 应用程序接口、数据和 ML |
Artifact Repos | 工件 Repos |
BaaS | |
Low-code Platform | 低代码平台 |
CDN and Protection CDN 和保护 | |
CI and CD | |
CMS | |
Code Generation | 代码生成 |
Code Quality | 代码质量 |
Code Search and Browsing | 代码搜索和浏览 |
Crash and Exception Handling | 崩溃和异常处理 |
Data Visualization on Maps | 地图上的数据可视化 |
Managed Data Services | 数据管理服务 |
Design and UI | 设计和用户界面 |
Design Inspiration | 设计灵感 |
Dev Blogging Sites | 开发博客网站 |
DNS | |
Docker Related | Docker 相关 |
Domain | 域名 |
Education and Career Development | 教育与职业发展 |
电子邮件 | |
Feature Toggles Management Platforms | 功能切换管理平台 |
Font | 字体 |
Forms | 表格 |
Generative AI | 生成式人工智能 |
IaaS | |
IDE and Code Editing | 集成开发环境和代码编辑 |
International Mobile Number Verification API and SDK | 国际手机号码验证 API 和 SDK |
Issue Tracking and Project Management | 问题跟踪和项目管理 |
Log Management | 日志管理 |
Mobile App Distribution and Feedback | 移动应用程序的发布和反馈 |
Management Systems | 管理系统 |
Messaging and Streaming | 信息和流媒体 |
Miscellaneous | 杂项 |
Monitoring | 监测 |
PaaS | |
Package Build System | 软件包构建系统 |
Payment and Billing Integration | 支付与账单集成 |
Privacy Management | 隐私管理 |
Screenshot APIs | 截图应用程序接口 |
Flutter Related and Building IOS Apps without Mac | Flutter 相关和无需 Mac 构建 IOS 应用程序 |
Search | 搜索 |
Security and PKI | 安全和 PKI |
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management | 验证、授权和用户管理 |
Source Code Repos | 源代码库 |
Storage and Media Processing | 存储和媒体处理 |
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers | 隧道、WebRTC、Web Socket 服务器和其他路由器 |
Testing | 测试 |
Tools for Teams and Collaboration | 团队和协作工具 |
Translation Management | 翻译管理 |
Vagrant Related | Vagrant 相关 |
Visitor Session Recording | 访客会议记录 |
Web Hosting | 网络托管 |
Commenting Platforms | 评论平台 |
Browser based hardware emulation | 基于浏览器的硬件仿真 |
Remote Desktop Tools | 远程桌面工具 |
Game Development | 游戏开发 |
Other Free Resources | 其他免费资源 |