This was a very special Minecraft LIVE for us – not just because we got to share more about the soaring new features from our next Minecraft game drop, but because we got to showcase the first step of something we’ve been working on for some time: Vibrant Visuals .
对于我们来说,这是一次非常特别的 Minecraft LIVE – 不仅因为我们要分享更多有关我们下一款 Minecraft 游戏的新功能,还因为我们要展示我们一段时间以来一直在研究的东西的第一步: 生动的视觉效果 。
What is Vibrant Visuals? 什么是生动的视觉效果?
Vibrant Visuals is a visual graphics upgrade that will transform the way players experience Minecraft. Initially releasing for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, it is our developer’s vision for what Minecraft looks like with improved visual elements such as directional lighting, volumetric fog, and more. The result is dazzling – shadows move as the sun arcs across the sky, water reflects the landscape around it, and clouds appear infinite as they stretch far into the distance.
生动的视觉效果是一种视觉图形升级 ,它将改变玩家体验 Minecraft 的方式。它最初针对 Minecraft:基岩版发布,是我们开发人员对 Minecraft 外观的设想,并改进了视觉元素,例如定向照明、体积雾等。效果令人眼花缭乱 - 阴影随着太阳在天空中划过弧线而移动,水面倒映着周围的景观,云朵在向远方延伸时显得无限。
Vibrant Visuals brings thousands of individually crafted elements while preserving what makes Minecraft unique. Chief Creative Officer Jens Bergensten describes it as “a new look that still stays true to our creative principles”, as biomes and builds come to life with the addition of a range of graphical enhancements. But what you will notice the most is the interplay of light and shadow.
Vibrant Visuals 带来了数千个单独制作的元素,同时保留了 Minecraft 的独特之处。首席创意官 Jens Bergensten 将其描述为“一种仍然忠于我们创意原则的新外观”,因为通过添加一系列图形增强功能,生物群落和建筑变得栩栩如生。但您最会注意到的是光与影的相互作用。
Improvements including volumetric lighting mean you’ll be able to watch the sun’s rays carve across the Overworld, and every block will cast its own shadow. Light will shine through your windows, and you’ll be able to see reflections in water and on the surface of metallic blocks, while subsurface scattering brings a gentle glow to leaves and grass. “Water is one of my favorite improvements,” said Game Art Director Jasper Boerstra. “It looks absolutely amazing.”
体积光照等改进意味着您将能够看到太阳光线照射在 Overworld 上,每个方块都会投射出自己的阴影。光线会透过窗户照射进来,您将能够看到水和金属块表面的反射,而次表面散射会给树叶和草地带来柔和的光芒。“水是我最喜欢的改进之一,”游戏艺术总监 Jasper Boerstra 说。“它看起来绝对令人惊叹。”
Mobs and items will also have more of a glow – spider’s eyes will be even more menacing in the dark, and torches will cast a radiant path back to your build. You can see this in action in the deep dark, too. “The sculk is now more emissive, more immersive, and it creates a really magical scene,” adds Jasper Boerstra.
怪物和物品也会发出更多光芒——蜘蛛的眼睛在黑暗中会显得更加可怕,火把会投射出一条通往建筑的光芒之路。在漆黑一片中,你也能看见这种效果。“现在,蜘蛛的光芒更加耀眼,更加身临其境,营造出一种真正神奇的场景,”Jasper Boerstra 补充道。
As a cosmetic update to the game, Vibrant Visuals graphics will not impact gameplay mechanics. This means that existing lighting mechanics such as when hostile mobs may or may not burn, crop growth, daylight detectors, mob farms, and more will all still work exactly as before. This also means that players on a Realm can all play together regardless of whether or not they are using Vibrant Visuals – as the gameplay of Minecraft remains the same. As Jasper Boerstra explained in the broadcast: “Vibrant Visuals is backwards compatible with old worlds, and it runs locally – so you can play together with friends who don’t have it activated.”
作为游戏的一项外观更新,Vibrant Visuals 图形不会影响游戏机制。这意味着现有的照明机制(例如敌对生物可能燃烧或不燃烧、农作物生长、日光探测器、生物农场等)仍将像以前一样工作。这也意味着 Realm 上的玩家无论是否使用 Vibrant Visuals 都可以一起玩 - 因为 Minecraft 的游戏玩法保持不变。正如 Jasper Boerstra 在广播中解释的那样:“Vibrant Visuals 向后兼容旧世界,并且可以在本地运行 - 因此您可以与未激活它的朋友一起玩。”
The first step towards a vibrant future
We’re investigating how Vibrant Visuals will run across a range of Bedrock Edition devices, with the hope of bringing this graphics revamp (either fully or partially) to as many devices as possible – and we’ll have more information on which devices will be compatible with Vibrant Visuals soon. We also believe that the graphics additions in Vibrant Visuals will give our creator partners more to build with, and we’ll share more information for creator partners as soon as we can.
我们正在研究 Vibrant Visuals 将如何在一系列 Bedrock Edition 设备上运行,希望将这一图形改进(全部或部分)推广到尽可能多的设备 - 我们将很快提供有关哪些设备将与 Vibrant Visuals 兼容的更多信息。我们还相信,Vibrant Visuals 中的图形添加将为我们的创作者合作伙伴提供更多创作资源,我们将尽快与创作者合作伙伴分享更多信息。
The next step – Minecraft: Java Edition
下一步 – Minecraft:Java 版
While Vibrant Visuals will initially release on select Minecraft: Bedrock Edition devices, this is just the first step. We will bring Vibrant Visuals to Minecraft: Java Edition in the future for both players and creators on all Java Edition devices.
虽然 Vibrant Visuals 最初将在部分 Minecraft:Bedrock Edition 设备上发布,但这只是第一步。未来,我们将为所有 Java Edition 设备上的玩家和创作者将 Vibrant Visuals 引入 Minecraft:Java Edition。
Preparing Vibrant Visuals for Bedrock Edition involved a lot of research, a lot of time rewriting code, and a lot of iteration – and we’re now ready to bring all those learnings to Java Edition. Eagle-eyed community members may have noticed that we started laying the groundwork for rewriting our rendering code last year, paving the way for this project. Now we’re actively working on Vibrant Visuals for Minecraft: Java Edition and our goal is to bring it to the game in a way that serves not only our players, but also our modders and resource pack creators.
为 Bedrock Edition 准备 Vibrant Visuals 需要进行大量研究、花费大量时间重写代码和进行大量迭代 — 现在我们已准备好将所有这些经验带到 Java Edition。眼尖的社区成员可能已经注意到,我们去年就开始为重写渲染代码奠定基础,为这个项目铺平了道路。现在我们正在积极为 Minecraft:Java Edition 制作 Vibrant Visuals,我们的目标是以一种不仅服务于我们的玩家,而且服务于我们的模组制作者和资源包创建者的方式将其带到游戏中。
It will take time for us to get this right – but it’s time we want to spend. Our goal is to ensure we have a sustainable way of making improvements like Vibrant Visuals on both Bedrock and Java Edition long into the future.
我们需要时间才能做好这件事——但我们愿意花时间。我们的目标是确保我们有一个可持续的方式,在未来很长一段时间内对 Bedrock 和 Java 版进行改进,比如打造出生动的视觉效果。
Get ready to test Vibrant Visuals
As mentioned in Minecraft LIVE, players will soon be able to test early versions of Vibrant Visuals on select Minecraft: Bedrock Edition devices via preview and/or beta. We will keep you updated as to when this will be available for testing, and which Bedrock Edition devices will be able to test these graphics.
正如 Minecraft LIVE 中提到的,玩家很快就能通过预览版和/或测试版在部分 Minecraft:基岩版设备上测试早期版本的 Vibrant Visuals。我们将及时告知您何时可以进行测试,以及哪些基岩版设备可以测试这些图形。
*Vibrant Visuals coming in the future and will require Minecraft Bedrock Edition (sold separately). As development is ongoing, the features shown in the Minecraft LIVE broadcast and their descriptions are subject to change.
*未来将推出生动的视觉效果,需要 Minecraft Bedrock 版(单独出售)。由于开发仍在进行中,Minecraft LIVE 广播中显示的功能及其描述可能会发生变化。