Table of Contents
接上文 【新手教程】oaifree 喂饭级 Step-by-step 一步步打开潘多拉 ,受到伟大的坛友们的启发,于是我又糊了一个。
究极优雅 之 pandora-4o
: 还原 pandoranext 通过API_PREFIX
代理 Chat2API; -
// prettier-ignore
interface Env {
API_KEY: string; // Chat2API 的 API_KEY, example: sk-any-fucking-secure-key
API_PREFIX: string; // 不与默认路径冲突的任意字符串, example: ababbaba
ACCESS_TOKEN: string; // 多个 AC 用逗号分隔
CHATGPT_ACCOUNT_ID?: string; // 可选,Team 账号设置, example: 9b2c9c9c-9c9c-9c9c-9c9c-9c9c9c9c9c9c
BARK_SERVER?: string; // 可选,bark 用于报错通知服务,主要是没有 Refresh token,祝我早日 3 级再来更新
OAIFREE_KV?: KVNamespace; // 可选,log 打个日志记录成员登陆信息
FORCE_TEMPORARY_CHAT?: string; // 可选,是否强制临时聊天,默认 'false'
FORBIDDEN_PATHS?: string; // 可选,屏蔽一些接口,逗号分隔,比如 '/admin,...'
ALLOW_DELETE?: string; // 可选,是否允许删除操作,默认 'true'
- 配置 Cloudflare zero trust 访问控制;
- 配置自定义用户白名单,修改
- 直接访问 https://<你的域名>/
- 输入邮箱(目前是验证邮箱格式,当然其他任意字符串格式理论都是可以支持的)
Worker 代码
* API:
* - chat2api: https://<your host>/<API_PREFIX>/v1/...
* - backend-api: https://<your host>/<API_PREFIX>/backend-api/...
* - public-api: https://<your host>/<API_PREFIX>/public-api/...
* - token: https://<your host>/<API_PREFIX>/token
* Mirror ChatGPT:
* - Mirror openai login page: https://<your host>/auth/login_auth0
* - new oaifree: https://<your host>/
* */
// prettier-ignore
interface Env {
API_KEY: string; // Chat2API 的 API_KEY, example: sk-any-fucking-secure-key
API_PREFIX: string; // 不与默认路径冲突的任意字符串, example: ababbaba
ACCESS_TOKEN: string; // 多个 AC 用逗号分隔
CHATGPT_ACCOUNT_ID?: string; // 可选,Team 账号设置, example: 9b2c9c9c-9c9c-9c9c-9c9c-9c9c9c9c9c9c
BARK_SERVER?: string; // 可选,bark 用于报错通知服务,主要是 Refresh token,祝我早日 3 级再来更新
OAIFREE_KV?: KVNamespace; // 可选,log 打个日志记录成员登陆信息
FORCE_TEMPORARY_CHAT?: string; // 可选,是否强制临时聊天,默认 'false'
FORBIDDEN_PATHS?: string; // 可选,屏蔽一些接口,逗号分隔,比如 '/admin,...'
ALLOW_DELETE?: string; // 可选,是否允许删除操作,默认 'true'
export default {
async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
const url = new URL(request.url);
console.log(`Received request for URL: ${request.url}`);
const clonedRequest = request.clone();
const forbiddenPaths = env.FORBIDDEN_PATHS.split(',');
if (forbiddenPaths.some(path => url.pathname.includes(path))) {
console.error(`Access to forbidden path: ${url.pathname}`);
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: 'Not allowed!' }), { status: 403 });
if (env.ALLOW_DELETE === 'false' && request.method === 'DELETE') {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: 'Not allowed!' }), { status: 403 });
const tokenPaths = ['/token', '/static', '/cdn-cgi'];
if (tokenPaths.some(path => url.pathname.includes(path))) { = '';
return fetch(new Request(url, request));
if (!url.pathname.startsWith(`/${env.API_PREFIX}`)) {
return handleChatRequest(clonedRequest, url, env);
if (!isValidApiKey(clonedRequest, env)) {
console.error('Invalid API Key');
return new Response('Invalid API Key', { status: 401 });
const processedRequest = await handleAPIRequestPath(clonedRequest, url, env);
return handleAPIRequest(processedRequest, url, env);
async function handleChatRequest(request: Request, url: URL, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
if (url.pathname === '/auth/login_auth0' || url.pathname === '/auth/login') {
return await handleLoginToken(request, env);
} = '';
return fetch(new Request(url, request));
async function loggingLogin(env: Env, uniqueName: string) {
const dateString = new Date().toISOString();
console.log(`${uniqueName} logged in at ${dateString}`);
if (env.OAIFREE_KV) {
await env.OAIFREE_KV.put(`${uniqueName}`, `Logged in at ${dateString}`);
async function handleLoginToken(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
if (request.method === 'POST') {
const formData = await request.formData();
const uniqueName = formData.get('email')?.toString().trim();
const tempChat = formData.get('tempchat')?.trim() === 'on';
if (!uniqueName || !isValidSecret(uniqueName)) {
return new Response('Invalid or unique name', { status: 400 });
loggingLogin(env, uniqueName);
try {
const shareToken = await getShareToken(request, env, uniqueName, tempChat);
const oAuthLink = `${await getOAuthLink(request, shareToken)}&_=${}`;
return Response.redirect(oAuthLink, 302);
} catch (error) {
const errorText = `500 ${error}`;
return new Response(errorText, { status: 500 });
} else {
const formHtml = formHTML(env);
return new Response(formHtml, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' },
function formHTML(env: Env): string {
return `<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Login - ChatGPT</title>
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<div id="root">
<div class="page-wrapper">
<header class="oai-header"><img src="" alt="OpenAI's Logo" /></header>
<main class="main-container">
<section class="content-wrapper">
<div class="title-wrapper"><h1 class="title">Welcome back</h1></div>
<div class="login-container">
<form method="POST">
<div class="input-wrapper">
placeholder=" "
/><label class="email-label" for="email-input">Email address</label>
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
<input type="checkbox" id="temp-chat" name="tempchat" />
<label class="checkbox-label" for="temp-chat">Temporary Chat</label>
<button class="continue-btn">Continue</button>
const forceTemporaryChat = JSON.parse('${env.FORCE_TEMPORARY_CHAT}');
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const checkbox = document.getElementById('temp-chat');
if (forceTemporaryChat) {
checkbox.checked = true;
checkbox.disabled = true;
function isValidSecret(email: string): boolean {
// TODO: email white list
const emailPattern = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
return emailPattern.test(email);
async function handleAPIRequestPath(request: Request, url: URL, env: Env): Promise<Request> {
const prefix = `/${env.API_PREFIX}`;
if (url.pathname.startsWith(prefix)) {
url.pathname = url.pathname.substring(prefix.length);
const apiPath = `/v1/`;
const backendApiPath = `/backend-api/`;
const publicApiPath = `/public-api/`;
if (url.pathname.startsWith(apiPath)) { = '';
return modifyRequestForApi(request);
} else if (url.pathname.startsWith(backendApiPath) || url.pathname.startsWith(publicApiPath)) { = '';
url.pathname = `/dad04481-fa3f-494e-b90c-b822128073e5${url.pathname}`;
} else { = '';
return request;
function isValidApiKey(request: Request, env: Env): boolean {
const incomingApiKey = request.headers.get('Authorization')?.replace('Bearer ', '');
return incomingApiKey === env.API_KEY;
async function modifyRequestForApi(request: Request): Promise<Request> {
if (!request.bodyUsed) {
const clonedRequest = request.clone();
const reqBody = await clonedRequest.json();
if (reqBody && reqBody.model && reqBody.model.startsWith('gpt-4-gizmo-')) {
reqBody.model = reqBody.model.replace('gpt-4-gizmo-', '');
return new Request(request.url, {
method: request.method,
headers: request.headers,
body: JSON.stringify(reqBody),
return request;
async function handleAPIRequest(processedRequest: Request, url: URL, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
const tokens = env.ACCESS_TOKEN.split(',');
for (let retryCount = 0; retryCount < tokens.length; retryCount++) {
const headers = new Headers(processedRequest.headers);
headers.set('Authorization', formatAuthorizationHeader(tokens[retryCount], env));
// Ensure we're only cloning once per retry attempt
const retryRequest = processedRequest.clone();
const modifiedRequest = new Request(url.toString(), {
method: processedRequest.method,
body: retryRequest.body,
console.log(`Attempting fetch with token index ${retryCount}`);
const response = await fetch(modifiedRequest);
if (response.ok) {
console.log(`Request successful with token index ${retryCount}`);
return response;
console.warn(`Request failed with token index ${retryCount}, status: ${response.status}`);
await sendBarkNotification(`Request failed with token index ${retryCount}`, `Status: ${response.status}`, 'default', env);
console.error('All tokens failed after retries');
return new Response('All tokens failed', { status: 401 });
function formatAuthorizationHeader(token: string, env: Env): string {
let authorizationKey = `Bearer ${token}`;
authorizationKey += `,${env.CHATGPT_ACCOUNT_ID}`;
return authorizationKey;
async function getShareToken(request: Request, env: Env, uniqueName: string, tempChat: boolean) {
const currentHost = new URL(request.url).origin;
const url = '';
// Ensure FORCE_TEMPORARY_CHAT environment variable is interpreted correctly.
const forceTempChat = env.FORCE_TEMPORARY_CHAT === 'true' || tempChat;
console.log(`Force temporary chat: ${forceTempChat}`);
const accessToken = env.ACCESS_TOKEN.split(',')[0];
const body = new URLSearchParams({
unique_name: uniqueName,
access_token: accessToken,
site_limit: currentHost,
expires_in: '0',
gpt35_limit: '-1',
gpt4_limit: '-1',
show_conversations: 'false',
show_userinfo: 'false',
temporary_chat: forceTempChat.toString(),
reset_limit: 'false',
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: body,
if (response.ok) {
const res = await response.json();
console.log(`Share token response: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`);
return res.token_key;
} else {
// Log detailed error information
console.error(`Failed to retrieve share token: ${response.statusText}`);
console.error(`Response status: ${response.status}`);
console.error(`Failed URL: ${url}`);
console.error(`Request Body: ${body}`);
throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve share token: ${response.text()}`);
async function getOAuthLink(request: Request, shareToken: string) {
const currentHost = new URL(request.url).origin;
// const url = `${currentHost}/api/auth/oauth_token`;
const url = ``;
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Origin': currentHost,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
share_token: shareToken,
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
console.log(`OAuth link response: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
return data.login_url;
} else {
console.error(`Failed to get OAuth link: ${response.statusText}`);
throw new Error('Failed to get OAuth link: ${response.text()}');
async function sendBarkNotification(title: string, body: string, group: string, env: Env): Promise<void> {
const barkUrl = `${env.BARK_SERVER}/push`;
const data = {
device_key: env.BARK_DEVICE_KEY,
const response = await fetch(barkUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(data),
if (response.ok) {
console.log('Bark notification sent successfully');
} else {
const respText = await response.text();
console.error('Failed to send Bark notification:', response.status, response.statusText, respText);