

写了一天的代码,运行起来一直报错,找不到原因,不知道怎么解决,大佬帮看一下,以下是报错信息: java.ioNoMoneyException:KFC Crazy Thursday need 50RMB

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Dear baby. It’s been a long time to see you. I’m writing this email to ask you whether you could transfer ¥50 to me through WeChat so that I will be well-prepared to enjoy fried chicken and burgers at KFC on Thursday。 For one thing, participating in the Crazy Thursday promotion can save me money which can be used to purchase learning materials helpful to my English progress. For another, every time I buy a set meal, ¥0.01 will be donated to the children in impoverished mountainous areas, which is beneficial to the development of welfare undertakings in China. I’m looking forward to your support.

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