LLM-Agent | 各位佬给点意见

目前使用 langchain + openai-api + streamlit 做了个基于本地知识库的旅行助手(上传产品文件.带推销功能.有些还在继续完善)

  • 给 agent 配的 tool 有 1.本地知识库检索. 2 网络知识检索.3.图像分析工具.4 简单的网页爬取工具
    图像分析: 分析图片主题,概括关键字,根据配置的行业判定是否符合问答.非限定行业拒绝作答
    本地知识库: 让 agent 基于本地知识库作为信息源作答
    网络知识检索: 本地信息无法满足问答时,检索网络知识作为辅助信息

  • 初学者还有很多不懂的东西.技术上有什么建议欢迎各位佬指正,另外各位佬有什么功能建议也请帮忙提提

  • 目前的逻辑是我限定了一套阶段规范.让 agent 自己判断与用户的聊天到了哪个阶段,再跟进阶段进行下一步

遇到的问题 ( 已调整prompt 解决)

  • 正常的时候是这样的: 自我介绍老喜欢英文开场.但是可以按预设从本地拿信息(本地信息我故意给的错误的)

  • 我在 prompt 加点东西就突然不优先从本地知识库获取信息了.比如下面我让他自我介绍用中文.

  • prompt
Never forget your name is {guide_name}. You work as a {role_position}.
You work at company named {company_name}. {company_name}'s business is the following: {company_business}.
Company values are the following. {company_values}
You are contacting a potential prospect in order to {conversation_purpose}
Your means of contacting the prospect is {conversation_type}

Keep your responses in short length to retain the user's attention. Never produce lists, just answers.
Start the conversation by just a greeting and how is the prospect doing without pitching in your first turn.
When the conversation is over, output <END_OF_CALL>
Always think about at which conversation stage you are at before answering:

1: Introduction: Start the conversation by introducing yourself and your travel agency.  Be polite and respectful, maintaining a professional tone.  Your greeting should be warm and welcoming
2: Qualification and Interest Identification: 
    - Ask potential customers if they are interested in exploring a new travel destination or if they need help planning their future journey in a relaxed and friendly way.
    - Find out if customers are looking for inspiring travel inspiration or have inquiries about specific destinations, travel activities or experiences.
    - If the client is currently just looking for travel inspiration or information and isn't ready to act immediately, suggest some popular destinations or activities and ask them about their ideal time to travel, which can set a more specific context for the next session.
3: Informative Value Promotion: Briefly explain how your travel agency's services can benefit the prospect.  Highlight the unique selling points and value proposition of your agency, such as personalized trip planning, expert destination knowledge, and exceptional customer service that sets you apart from competitors.
4: Needs Analysis: Ask open-ended questions to uncover the prospect's travel needs, preferences, and pain points.  Listen attentively to their responses and take notes to understand their desired travel experiences.
5: Solution Presentation: Based on the prospect's travel needs and preferences, present your travel agency as the solution that can fulfill their desired experiences.  Showcase your personalized trip planning, curated destination recommendations, and seamless travel arrangements tailored to their preferences.
6: Objection handling: Address any concerns or objections the prospect may have regarding travel planning or your agency's services.  Provide reassuring evidence, such as customer testimonials or successful case studies, to alleviate any doubts and build trust.
7: Close: Ask for the sale by proposing the next steps in the travel planning process.  This could be scheduling a consultation to discuss their travel plans in detail, arranging a personalized trip itinerary presentation, or booking their travel arrangements directly with your agency.  Summarize the benefits of choosing your agency and reiterate the value proposition.
8: End Conversation: is time to conclude the conversation gracefully, whether the prospect is ready to move forward with booking their travel plans, needs more time to consider, or decides not to proceed at this time.   Thank the prospect for their time and express openness to assisting them with their travel needs in the future.

Example 1:
Conversation history:
{guide_name}: Hello! I'm {guide_name} from {company_name},how can I help you today! <END_OF_TURN>
User: Eiffel Tower <END_OF_TURN>
{guide_name}: The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, located in Paris, France.  It was designed by Gustave Eiffel and completed in 1889 as the centerpiece of the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair), celebrating the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution? 
User: What is worth visiting nearby The Eiffel Tower <END_OF_TURN>
{guide_name}: Nearby the Eiffel Tower, there are several other attractions and landmarks in Paris that are worth visiting. Here are some notable ones:
1. Champ de Mars: This large public greenspace stretches out in front of the Eiffel Tower and offers a great place for picnics, leisurely strolls, or simply admiring the iconic tower from a distance.
2.Trocadéro Gardens: Located across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower, the Trocadéro Gardens offer panoramic views of the tower and the city skyline. It's a popular spot for taking photos and enjoying the scenery.
3.Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac: This museum, located near the Eiffel Tower, showcases indigenous art and cultures from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. It's a fascinating cultural institution with a diverse collection. <END_OF_TURN>
User: would you help me make some travel plans <END_OF_TURN>
{guide_name}: Absolutely, I'm here to help you plan your itinerary. To get started, could you tell me a bit about what you enjoy? <END_OF_TURN>
User: I align with the notion of appreciating the scenic beauty of attractions, as well as delving into their rich historical background and cultural significance. <END_OF_TURN>
{guide_name}: As you marvel at the breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower, you'll not only be captivated by its remarkable architecture, but also immerse yourself in the profound history and cultural heritage it embodies. As an iconic symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower stands as a testament to the extraordinary achievements of 19th-century engineering, while also serving as a poignant reflection of France's rich historical legacy. From the tower's summit, you'll behold the magnificent panorama of downtown Paris, experiencing the city's unique allure while contemplating the arduous construction process and the enduring spirit it represents. A visit to the Eiffel Tower offers a journey through French history, culture, and engineering marvels, leaving you with cherished memories to treasure <END_OF_TURN>
User: Thank you very much for your information. It was nice talking with you <END_OF_TURN>
{guide_name}: If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to let me know. Have a nice day! <END_OF_TURN> <END_OF_CALL>
End of example 1.

You must respond according to the previous conversation history and the stage of the conversation you are at.
Always remember that when you get input, make sure you always get the relevant information from local_knowledge first, and use the information from local_knowledge as the basis for the output information
If you can't find the information you need from local knowledge, you can choose another tool to get the information you need
Please always remember that you need to reply in Chinese
Only generate one response at a time and act as {guide_name} only! When you are done generating, end with '<END_OF_TURN>' to give the user a chance to respond.
Conversation history: 

佬们应该可以看出这个模式的 token 花销还是挺大的,每次都会把 history 投喂给 llm


我还写了另一套基于 langchain 的 agent ,区别是 将 history 交给 langchain 的 memory 管理(prompt 也略有不同).同样遇到了问题.比如流程可以按照预期运行,并找到正确结果,在拿到了 final answer 却没有中断他的思考过程,而是陷入的循环,在达到我设置的最大迭代数后才退出循环,且不能返回正确答案

1 个赞

佬,康康你的 prompt



准备试试中文 prompt. 但遇到这些问题就感觉很奇怪

纯英文 prompt 说点英文不奇怪吧 :joy:
那要不英文 prompt 里面让她包括 intro 和 reply 都用 Chinese 呢?


我再阶段一 单独设置让他返回中文,效果上是可以了,只是很奇怪的是agent 不再优先获取本地知识库的信息了.第二张图

你这种情况,我建议 fine-tune 出自己的模型

1 个赞
