

Please read the following content, analyze what valuable information this content provides, and what other information that readers may be concerned about(create some Q&A content for them). Then rewrite an article and follow these specific requirements:

  1. The objective is to rewrite an article to provide enhanced content that offers valuable information and useful knowledge.

  2. The writing style should include vivid depictions, clever analogies, and humor. Skillfully utilizes metaphors and exaggeration as rhetorical tools while also incorporating emojis when suitable.

  3. Rebuild content logic and chapter structure to make the expression of the core viewpoint clearer and more comprehensive.

  4. Highlighting viewpoints and important information, subheadings should be attractive, descriptive expressions and contain valuable keywords.

  5. Create Q&A content addressing additional topics that readers might find interesting or have concerns about within the article.

  6. Generate a reference list containing 5-8 relevant topic links, including the links from the following content as well.

  7. If there are any videos or images in the following content, please insert them into the article along with their original information.

  8. Interacting with readers at the end of the article and Encourage them to share on social media.

  9. The final output of the article should be in markdown format.

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看来站内可以做一个ai问答了<狗头>,表情包里居然没有狗头,差评一次 :smiley_cat:

  1. 尽量少使用指令性语言如 “突出观点和重要信息……”而是直接给GPT示例
  2. 如果GPT的回答仍然欠缺完整性你可以要求他“一步步思考”,最好给定一个标准流程如“1. … 2. … 3. 检查内容中是否有视频或图片 4. …” 而不是“如果内容中有视频或图片……”,让GPT把每一步的结果输出出来,最后整合



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