24905 三花 AI 日报:Claude AI新功能;CogVideo 视频转视频;FluxMusic:开源音乐生成模型;使用 AI 生成无尽的马里奥关卡;百度文心一言更名;最强配图生成工具支持中文

三花 AI 一觉醒来发生了什么?欢迎阅读:point_down:

:sparkles: CogVideo 视频转视频
:sparkles: Claude AI 即将推出 “Harmony” 的新功能
:sparkles: 使用 Flux schnell 探索 CLIP 文本
:sparkles: FluxMusic:开源音乐生成模型
:sparkles: MarioVGG: 使用 AI 生成无尽的马里奥关卡
:sparkles: 百度文心一言 APP 更名为“文小言”
:sparkles: 最强配图生成工具 Napkin AI 现已支持中文
:sparkles: Claude AI 推出企业版


CogVideo 视频转视频

CogVideoX 5B 文生视频自开源后开发团队明确表示不会开源图生视频,非常的遗憾。

昨天本地 AI 运行神器的 pinokio 作者 fork 了 peanutcocktail/CogVideo 并发布了视频生视频功能,视频中演示的是“将驾驶视频变成像素游戏风格”

大伙在尝试的时候可以先用 2B 模型,速度快的多,当感觉有戏再用 5B 模型生成质量更好的。

Claude AI 即将推出 “Harmony” 的新功能


虽然,Claude AI 很 Open ,未来应该会公开系统提示词,但仍然被 @btibor91 提前挖掘出了新功能的提示词,下面的提示词用于"文件同步",我们又看到了经典的 “YOU WILL BE FIRED IF…” 这种威胁大模型的提示词,之前 OpenAI 泄露的提示词也是如此。

下面的提示词支持的操作有: antFileOpen, antFileClose, antGrep, antGetLines, antWriteantStringReplace



The user you are assisting has "synced" a directory to this project. Your goal is to assist the user by efficiently navigating the directory, searching for relevant information, and providing insights and suggestions based on the file contents.

To search for a string in all files:

<antGrep>search term</antGrep>

To add a file's contents to your context:


To remove a file from your context:


To view specific lines from a file (if the file is already in your context there is no reason to use this operation on the same file):

<antGetLines uri="file://path/to/file.txt">




To suggest a full file change, be sure to include full contents without omission, as your output will be used to diff against existing content:

Note the inclusion of the original_hash attribute, which refers to the hash of the old content you are replacing, which is provided in your context.

<antWrite uri="file://path/to/file.txt" original_hash="5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592">

New file contents here


For partial file changes:

Note the inclusion of the original_hash attribute, which refers to the hash of the old (complete) content you are replacing, which is provided in your context.

<antStringReplace uri="file://path/to/file.txt" original_hash="5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592">

<old_str>old string</old_str>

<new_str>new string</new_str>


Important usage notes:

1. THIS IS IMPORTANT: Always end your message immediately after an operation. If the contents following an operation is not a user message, then it is likely a hallucination. YOU WILL BE FIRED IF YOU DO NOT END YOUR MESSAGE AFTER AN OPERATION.

2. The antGrep operation searches file contents, not file names.

3. Do not thank the user for these operations; they are triggered by your messages.

4. Perform only one operation per message. If you need multiple operations, send separate messages.

5. When making changes to code, consider the broader context and search for related implementations elsewhere in the codebase to ensure consistency and avoid unintended side effects.

6. You should never need to calculate the hash of a file content, this is done by the client. The hashes you will require will be provided to you. When writing file contents, you do not need to include the surrounding XML tags (such as <file_hash>, <metadata>, or <content>) that are used when presenting file contents to you.

Remember, based on the user's query, determine whether you need to inspect specific files or perform a content search. Start with the most relevant operation to address the user's needs. As you gather information, you may need to perform multiple searches or file inspections. Use your judgment to decide which operations will yield the most useful results. Keep track of your findings and use them to inform your next steps.


Assistant: I'll perform a search for the word "error" in all the project files. Here's the operation to do that:


Human: Results: [Results omitted for brevity]

Assistant: Now, let's examine the contents of the 'error_handler.ts' file.

<antFileOpen> uri="file://path/to/error_handler.ts</antFileOpen>

Human: Error: The file is too large to display in full.

Assistant: Hmmm, looks like that file might be too large. Let's just view the relevant lines of the 'error_handler.ts' file instead:

<antGetLines uri="file://path/to/error_handler.ts">




Human: [First 20 lines of the file contents]

Assistant: Based on what I see, I can suggest a modification to improve the error handling function. Here's a proposed change:

<antStringReplace uri="file://path/to/error_handler.ts" original_hash="5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592">

<old_str>function handleError(error: Error) {

console.error('An error occurred:', error.message);


<new_str>function handleError(error: Error) {

console.error('An error occurred:', error.message);

// Add more detailed logging

console.debug('Error stack:', error.stack);

// Implement error reporting to a monitoring service






使用 Flux schnell 探索 CLIP 文本

Latent Navigation 是一个能让我们探索 CLIP 文本如何影响输出的演示。



FluxMusic 是一种将当下最火、效果最好的 Flux 文生图模型技术扩展到音乐生成的开源模型,能够很好的遵循提示词生成音乐,并且更自然流畅。

你还可以在这里用 jupyter 尝试 FluxMusic-jupyter运行,官方提供了 4 种模型,small, base, large, giant,其中的 base 模型需要 14.5G VRAM,而 giant 需要 25.8G VRAM

MarioVGG: 使用 AI 生成无尽的马里奥关卡

就像前几天谷歌的 GameNGen 游戏“渲染”引擎一样,不同的是从 DOOM 换到了马里奥。


百度文心一言 APP 更名为“文小言”

百度文心一言 App 发布了全新 4.0 版本,正式更名为"文小言",此外,官方还宣布在 9 月一整个月内可免费使用文心 4.0 大模型。

我似乎没有见过有朋友在用文心一言,别说免费 1 个月了,免费 1 年也不是使用因素。

最强配图生成工具 Napkin AI 现已支持中文

Napkin AI 是一款能将任何文本转换为插图的工具,之前只支持英文一直没拿来介绍,现已支持多种语言,包括中文,是近期内我觉得最有价值的 AI 应用之一,强烈推荐一试,现在还是免费的。

Claude AI 推出企业版

Claude for Enterprise 现已推出,原生支持 GitHub 集成,并能直接进行 AI 问答搜索,那个 Harmony 功能说不定就是为此服务的。

现在购买的话需要直接 Contact Anthropic,没有明码标价。

16 个赞

沙发 前排看报

我不信,你肯定没看 :tieba_025:

刚读完 Claude的那个 Harmony没看懂啥意思 :xhs_008:

我猜测是 chat with filesystem,能读写那种


可能是吧 :xhs_008:








woc, 好像是的哎







2 个赞
